Dr. Thilo Mahnhold
Partner JUSTEM Rechtsanwälte
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Telefon | +49 69 719 18 94 0 |
Fax | +49 69 719 18 94 100 |
t.mahnhold@justem.de | |
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Dr. Thilo Mahnhold is a founding member of JUSTEM Rechtsanwälte and has been a partner of the law firm since 2007. Dr. Thilo Mahnhold advises employers in the whole range of labor law, with particular focus on complex negotiations with works councils in reorganizations, on working time concepts, compliance matters and employee data protection in the digitalized working environment.
Dr. Thilo Mahnhold advises national and international companies, for instance in the logistics sector, the metal-processing industries, the banking and finance sector as well as public employers. He is a specialized lawyer for labor law (Fachanwalt für Arbeitsrecht) and is regularly recommended by JUVE, Who is Who, Legal 500 and Best Lawyers. Since 2019, he has been regularly included in the list of the best German labor lawyers by German magazine Wirtschaftswoche.
The competences of Dr. Thilo Mahnhold comprise labor law with a particular focus on the issues at the interfaces with compliance and data protection. The following matters are to be mentioned as an example:
- Digitalization of working processes – operational changes and employee data protection
- Restructuring
- Works constitution law – planning and support of negotiations with works councils regarding matters, such as working time, remuneration principles; IT systems, codes of ethics, whistleblowing, etc.
- Personnel representation law, collective bargaining agreement for civil servants (Tarifvertrag für den öffentlichen Dienst or TVöD) and the collective bargaining agreement for civil servants of the Federal States (Tarifvertrag für den öffentlichen Dienst der Länder or TV-L)
- Compliance – designing and implementing components of an compliance management system in a national and multinational context
- Compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation
- Contractor Compliance – risk analysis and prevention of liability in the event of the deployment of external personnel
- Compliance with the Act Regulating the Commercial Leasing of Employees (Arbeitnehmerüberlassungsgesetz or AÜG);
- Compliance with respect to minimum wage and salaries agreements (remuneration of works councils, Regulation on Institutional Remuneration (Institutsvergütungsverordnung), etc.)
- Internal investigations – structuring, controlling and employee data protection
- Special trainings on labor law and compliance
- Matrix structures in national and multinational corporate groups
- Separation of employees – special protection against unfair dismissal, etc.
- Corporate Co-Determination
- Litigation
Dr. Thilo Mahnhold studied law at Frankfurt Goethe-University, where he also received his doctorate on the topic of “compliance and labor law” (Compliance und Arbeitsrecht) in 2004. He established the US-American base of his thesis during a research stay of several months at Boston College in Boston/USA.
Dr. Thilo Mahnhold started his legal carrier in 2004 in the Frankfurt office of Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer in its labor law department, before being co-founder of JUSTEM Rechtsanwälte in 2006. Since 2010, he has also been a specialist lawyer for labor law (Fachanwalt für Arbeitsrecht).
Within the framework of recommendations by JUVE, Legal 500 and Best Lawyers, his “brilliant sense for possible procedural turns” (Legal 500, Germany 2018) is highlighted. In addition, he is regarded by competitors as (“very good employment lawyer with great experience in restructurings”, “high competence in the banking sector”, “very well-versed, high commitment and availability, very convincing appearance, experienced in transactional employment law, a real added value for the client” (JUVE 2020/2021).
Dr. Thilo Mahnhold is co-editor of the manual “Contractor Compliance” on contracts for work and labor, false self-employment and illegal leasing of employees, published by the publishing house C.F. Müller Verlag which deals with the aspects of a misconduct of status when using external staff under labor law, social security law, tax law and criminal law.
He speaks German and English.
“Harassed and grabbed” Part 3
(„Belästigt und angefasst“ – Teil 3)
Antje Marschall, Dr. Thilo Mahnhold, Tim Ahrens und Christopher Redwitz
Law Journal CB 2022, pp. 482
“Harassed and grabbed” Part 2
(„Belästigt und angefasst“ – Teil 2)
Antje Marschall, Dr. Thilo Mahnhold, Tim Ahrens und Christopher Redwitz
Law Journal CB 2022, pp. 436
“Harassed and grabbed” Part 1
(„Belästigt und angefasst“ – Teil 1)
Antje Marschall, Dr. Thilo Mahnhold, Tim Ahrens und Christopher Redwitz
Law Journal CB 2022, pp. 365
“Part-time on the board of directors of the joint stock company”
(Teilzeit im Vorstand der AG)
Dr. Heinrich von Bünau / Dr. Thilo Mahnhold
Law journal ZIP 2022, 1792 (Issue 36)
Co-author of
“The labor law mandate: Designing of employment contracts and controlling general terms and conditions”
(Das arbeitsrechtliche Mandat: Arbeitsvertragsgestaltung und AGB-Kontrolle)
Reitz (Editor)
Bonn, 2nd Edition 2023
“Trust, but Verify”
The roar of thunder: Timekeeping according to the ECJ
Labor Law Magazine 2/2019
co-authored by Janine Weber
“The digitalized labour law boutique“
in “Recht 2030, Legal Management in der digitalen Transformation”
Schulz/Schunder-Hartung (editors), Frankfurt 2019
“Dilemmas in the management of temporary work agency staff”
(Zeitarbeit im Dilemma)
HR-Journal Personalwirtschaft Zeitarbeit Special 10/2018, pp. 28 (only in German)
(co-authored by Dr. Daniel Klösel)
“Don’t miss the opportunity!”
Works agreements as a key element of GDPR compliance
Labor Law Magazine 1/2018
co-authored by Dr. Daniel Klösel
“The Future of Works Agreements under Data Protection Law –
Minimum Requirements and Use of Discretion in Companies pursuant to the General Data Protection Regulation and the new Version of the Federal Data Protection Act”
(Die Zukunft der datenschutzrechtlichen Betriebsvereinbarung” Mindestanforderungen und betriebliche Ermessenspielräume nach DS-GVO und BDSG)
NZA 2017, pp. 1428
(co-authored by Dr. Daniel Klösel)
“Guidelines for internal investigations”
Two landmark decisions by the German Federal Labor Court
Labor Law Magazine 4/2017
(co-authored by Dr. Daniel Klösel)
“Contractor Compliance in the new Temporary Employment Act –
Accountablility as a (Neglected) Aspect in Drafting Work and Service Contract Models”
(Contractor Compliance im neuen AÜG – Zurechenbarkeit als (vernachlässigter) Ansatzpunkt bei der Gestaltung von Werk- und Dienstvertragsmodellen)
Law Journal Betriebs-Berater 2017, pp. 1524
(co-authored by Dr. Daniel Klösel)
“Things are getting serious – Spotlight on Outside Personnel in the Age of the New Temporary Employment Act”
(Jetzt wird es ernst – Im Blickpunkt: Fremdpersonal in Zeiten des neuen AÜG)
Deutscher AnwaltSpiegel, 24/30, November 2016, pp. 9
“Contractor Compliance – Liability Prevention and Case Management When Using External Staff”
Klösel/Klötzer-Assion/Mahnhold (Editors)
Heidelberg 2nd Edition 2023
Book reviews
Prof. Dr. Mark Lembke
Employment Law Journal RdA 2018, p. 64
Dr. Julia Schweitzer, attorney-at-law and mediator
Employment Law Journal NZA 4/2017, p. 231
Dr. Jörg Habetha, attorney-at-law, specialist lawyer for criminal law and lecturer for criminal law at Saarland University
Commercial Criminal Law and Corporate Liability Journal
(Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsstrafrecht und Haftung im Unternehmen) (ZWH), 1/2017, pp. 34
“Under Suspicion – Preventing Pseudo Self-employment: Do’s and Don’ts for Multinationals”
Labor Law Magazine 1/2016
(co-authored by Dr. Daniel Klösel)
“Always good for a surprise”
Round Table Discussion on the Uniform Collective Bargaining Act, Industry 4.0, Data Protection and Minimum Wage
HR Journal Personalwirtschaft extra, 10/2015
“Health Apps, Wearables and Employee Data Protection”
HR Journal Personalwirtschaft, 05/2015, p. 28
Book review “Lawyer’s Manual on Labor Law”
(Anwalts-Handbuch Arbeitsrecht, U. Tschöpe)
Law journal NZA 2014, p. 713
“Paradigm Shift in German Labor Law –
Consequences of non-compliance for employers and principals according to the German Minimum Wage Act (MiLoG)”
Wistra, Journal for Criminal Tax and Criminal Business Law, Issue 3/2015, pp. 88
(co-authored by Antje Klötzer-Assion)
“Back to the Past”
Round Table regarding Minimum Wage, Pension Reform and the Law on Temporary Agency Work
HR Journal Personalwirtschaft extra, 09/2014
Book review “Protection Against Unfair Dismissal Act, Commentary, Beck´sche Commentaries on Labor Law”
(Kündigungsschutzgesetz, Kommentar, Beck´sche Kommentare zum Arbeitsrecht)
(R. Krause/R. Linck/G. v. Hoyningen-Huene)
Law journal NZA 2013, pp. 832
Book review “Commentary on the part of a specialist Labor Law Lawyer”
(Fachanwaltskommentar Arbeitsrecht)
(G. Dornbusch/E. Fischermeier/M. Löwisch)
Law journal NZA 2013
“Internal Investigations”
(Interne Ermittlungen)
Corporate Safety Journal WIK 3, June/July 2013
Book Review of “Compendium for Specialist Employment Lawyer”
(by G. Dornbusch/E. Fischermeier/M. Löwisch)
Employment Law Journal NZA 12/2013
“Choice of Law Provisions in Contractual Covenants not to Compete: The German Approach”
Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 2010, 31 Comp. Lab. J. 331
“Global Whistle, German Whistle – Whistleblowing Systems in Conflicting Jurisdictions”
(“Global Whistle” oder “deutsche Pfeife” – Whistleblowing-Systeme im Jurisdiktionskonflikt)
Employment Law Journal NZA 2008, pp. 737
“Compliance and Labor Law – Insider Compliance Concepts in National and Multinational Companies”
(Compliance und Arbeitsrecht – Insiderrechtliche Verhaltenskonzepte in nationalen und multinationalen Unternehmen)
Doctoral thesis, Heidelberg 2004
- Lecturer on the topics of working time compliance, works council remuneration and contractor compliance in the three-part online event series “Lunch Lectures – Commercial Criminal Law at the Interface to HR Compliance” (Lunch Lectures – Wirtschaftsstrafrecht an der Schnittstelle zur HR Compliance) of the WisteV (Wirtschaftsstrafrechtliche Vereinigung e.V.), Frankfurt, September 2023
- Lecturer at the JUSTEM workshop “Internal Investigation – Best Practice for HR, Compliance & Co“, Frankfurt am Main, September 2022
- Lecturer “Structuring the use of outside personnel in banks” (Fremdpersonaleinsatz in der Bank richtig gestalten), seminar “Update labor law”, Association of Foreign Banks, October 2019
- Lecturer at the JUSTEM seminar “Employment data protection 2020 – quo vadis? Practical seminar, workshop & field reports after more than one year GDPR” at Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, October 2019
- C.F. Müller seminar “Temporary employment, work contracts and pseudo self-employment. Latest developments in examination and sanction practice” (Arbeitnehmerüberlassung, Werkverträge und Scheinselbstständigkeit, Neueste Entwicklungen in der Prüf- und Sanktionspraxis), Frankfurt, January 2019
- Lecturer on the topics of “Labor law and data protection” at the practical seminar “Update data protection” of the Association of Foreign Banks, October 2017
- Lecturer aHa Summer Panel on Cloud Security, August 2017
Round Table Labor Law on the Act of the Transparency of Pay (Entgelttransparenzgesetz), Brexit, data protection, digitalization and co-determination, June 2017 - Regular lectures in the JUSTEM breakfast series and in-house trainings
C.F. Müller seminar “Leasing of Employees and (pseudo) Contracts for Work and Labor 2017” (Arbeitnehmerüberlassung und (Schein-)Werkverträge 2017), Frankfurt, March 2017 - Lecturer on the topic of “Leasing of Employees and (pseudo) Contracts for Work and Labor 2017” (Arbeitnehmerüberlassung und (Schein-)Werkverträge 2017) at Frankfurt Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK), March 2017
- Round Table Labor Law “What Brexit means for Human Resources” (Was der Brexit für HR bedeutet) on compliance, leasing of employees, data protection and industry 4,0, June 2016
- Round Table Labor Law “Always ready to surprise” (Immer für Überraschungen gut) on the Act on Collective Bargaining Unity (Tarifeinheitsgesetz), Industry 4,0, data protection and minimum wage, June 2015
- Round Table Labor Law “Back to the Stone Age” (Zurück in die Steinzeit) on minimum wage, pension reform and leasing of employees, July 2014
- International Bar Assocation (IBA)
- American Bar Association (ABA)
- European Employment Lawyers Association (EELA)
- Strategic Partner Labor Law Magazine
- Labor Law Advocacy Group of the German Bar Association (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Arbeitsrecht im Deutschen Anwaltsverein)
- Deutscher Juristentag e.V.